Détails de l’événement

Impression et sauvegarde


Trump, Migration, and Guest Worker

Date et heure

2017.09.25, 18:00 à 18:00


Philip Martin
Professeur émérite, Université de Californie

*La conférence se déroulera en anglais, mais un service de traduction simultané sera offert. Pour y avoir accès vous devrez avoir un téléphone intelligent et une paire d'écouteurs.

President Trump issued four executive orders dealing with immigration since taking office, setting in motion plans to build a wall on the 2,000 mile Mexico-US border, to increase deportations, to reduce refugee admissions, and to protect US workers. These executive orders signal a new era in migration policy that emphasizes enforcement against unauthorized foreigners and protections for US workers, but their major effect so far is a changed tone in migration policy, a change from welcoming newcomers from around the world to the US being perceived as a country where natives fear immigrants and immigrants live in fear.

This talk reviews the role of the 11 million unauthorized foreigners in helping Trump to win the 2016 presidential election, the roles of eight million unauthorized workers in the US economy (five percent of all US workers, and 50 percent of crop workers, are unauthorized), and the likely effects of stepped up enforcement against unauthorized workers, viz, expanded and new programs to admit low-skilled migrant workers. The US currently admits about 250,000 legal H-2A and H-2B guest workers a year, most for up to 10 months.




Salle D-R200, Pavillon Athanase-David, UQAM





Fichiers joints


Secteurs économiques

General relevance - all sectors

Groupes cibles


Pertinence géographique

États-Unis et Quebec


Français et Anglais