Détails du document

Impression et sauvegarde

Rapport/communiqué de presse

Making Domestic Work Visible: The Case for Specific Regulation




International Labour Organisation et A. Blackett


The ILO's Industrial and Employment Relations Department (DIALOGUE) promotes social dialogue, sound industrial relations and the adoption or reform of labour law in accordance with international labour standards, best comparative practice and in consultation with the social partners.

Labour law, industrial relations and social dialogue are at the core of ILO member States' economic and social organization. Sound industrial relations and effective social dialogue are a means to promote better wages and working conditions as well as peace and social justice. As instruments of good governance they foster cooperation and economic performance, helping to create an enabling environment for the realization of the objective of Decent Work at the national level.

Changes in the world of work pose numerous challenges to industrial relations institutions and actors, labour legislation and collective bargaining processes. They also create new impetus for innovative practices. Moreover, labour law needs to reflect the evolving labour market situation and address current needs and challenges.

"in a world of growing interdependence and complexity and the internationalization of production, [...] social dialogue and the practice of tripartism between governments and the representative organizations of workers and employers within and across borders are now more relevant to achieving solutions and to building up social cohesion and the rule of law through, among other means, international labour standards"

Institution responsable

International Labour Organization

Lieu de publication



Secteurs économiques

General relevance - all sectors

Types de contenu

Policy analysis

Groupes cibles

Chercheurs, Syndicats et ONG/groupes communautaires/réseaux de solidarité

Pertinence géographique

Global et Regional relevance

Sphères d’activité

Économie et Science politique

