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Document gouvernemental

Retaining foreign workers in Alberta: an employer's guide to the successful settlement and integration of foreign workers




Provincial Government of Alberta


The Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program is operated by two departments of the Government of Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
The TFW Program allows:
• foreign workers to work temporarily in Canada
• Canadian employers to address labour shortages by temporarily employing foreign workers.
To hire a temporary foreign worker, you must obtain a Labour Market Opinion (LMO) confirmation from HRSDC. An LMO is issued once HRSDC has assessed that the hiring of a foreign worker will have a positive or neutral effect on the Canadian labour market. As an employer, you will need to demonstrate that you have a genuine need for a foreign worker and that you are unable to fill the position with a Canadian worker.


Govt. of] Alberta

Lieu de publication



col. ill. ; 28 cm.

Fichiers joints


Secteurs économiques

Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers et Autre

Types de contenu

Policy analysis

Groupes cibles

Employeurs et agences de recrutement

Pertinence géographique


Sphères d’activité

Économie, Droit et Gestion des ressources humaines

