2017 QC-ON Forum on (Im)migrant Workers' Rights "The Sword of Damocles: Living and Laboring under State Threats of Worker Status Revocation, Detention and Removal"
- Date et heure
2017.11.16, 13:00 à 13:00
- Détails
Thurs Nov 16, 1-5 PM
Organized by McGill University & Association pour la Défense des Droits du Personnel Domestique/Association for the Rights of Household Workers (ADDPD/ARHW)
Draft Program:
1:00-1:15 PM Welcoming Remarks (Im)migrant Worker Status Revocation, Detention, Repatriation/Deportation: The Need for a Better Impact Assessment - Kazue Takamura, Ph.D., Faculty Lecturer, McGill University
1:15-2:45 PM Policies Threatening Revocation of Worker/Resident Status: Impact on the Labour and Fundamental Rights of (Im)migrant Workers
- State Threats of Legal Status Revocation: Post-Slavery Laws Enduring in Canada and Abroad as Temporary Labour (Im)migration Policies - Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier, LL.D. Can, University of Montreal
- Employer-Tied: Working in Fear of State Sanction and the (Non-) Exercise of Labour/Contractual Rights in Canada - Dr. Denise L. Spitzer, Professor & Researcher, University of Ottawa
- Employer-Tied: Working in Fear of State Sanction and Obstacles to the Exercise of Fundamental Rights in Canada - Hannah Deegan, Lawyer, 'Collective Defense of Rights' Project Coordinator ADDPD/ARHW
3:00-4:45 PM Decades of (mostly) Small and Bitter-sweet Victories: Roundtable on the Limits of Individualized Support to Workers facing Status Loss, Detention, and/or RemovalChair: Kazue Takakura, Ph.D. Faculty Lecturer, McGill University
• Walter Tom, Lawyer, PINAY
• Chris Ramsaroop, Workers’ Rights Activist, Justicia 4 Migrant Workers
• Santiago Escobar, Community Worker, UFCW
• Kara Manso, Community Organizer, Caregiver Action Center
• Belia Berrocal, Community Legal Worker, IAVGO
• Jessica Ponting, Community Legal Worker, IAVGO
• Maryth Yachnin, Staff Lawyer, IAVGO
• Mary Gellatly, Community Legal Worker, Parkdale Community Legal Services
• Niiti Simmonds & Jackie Esmonde, Staff Lawyers, Income Security Advocacy
• Francisco Mootoo, Worker and Member, Association des travailleuses et travailleurs étrangers
temporaires4:45-5:00 PM Concluding Remarks Moving beyond the Search for Labour Law Remedies: The Case for a Charter Challenge of the Abusive Aspects of Labour (Im)migration Programs
- Jessye Kilburn, Member of the Board of Directors - ADDPD/ARHW- Prix
- Lieu
McGill Thomson House Ballroom
- Ville
- Pays
- Liens
Register here! (https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2017-quebec-ontario-forum-on-the-rights-of-immigrant-workers-in-canada-tickets-38338998978)
- Secteurs économiques
General relevance - all sectors
- Groupes cibles
Travailleurs (im)migrants, Journalistes, Sensibilisation du public, Chercheurs, Syndicats et ONG/groupes communautaires/réseaux de solidarité
- Pertinence géographique
Ontario, Quebec, Fédéral et National relevance
- Langues
Français et Anglais